Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce the Dealjoy project, and for more details, let’s go to the following discussion:

Dealjoy is a global cashback platform that focuses on privacy designed to connect online buyers with their favorite traders to provide instant crypto cashback. We believe that a truly personal cashback platform is needed for the online shopping industry around the world to provide a global audience with competitive money back rates without sacrificing user privacy.

Dealjoy operates between customers and online merchants by negotiating and handling the best affiliate transactions. When our members proceed to online stores through the Dealjoy platform, they will receive cashback commissions for their purchases, with almost no identification of personal information provided to third parties.

Global and anonymous micro-payments have been made possible through continuous adoption of cryptocurrency. Using our blockchain technology and standard ERC-20 tokens called DEAL, cashback will be provided privately, globally, and instantly without a minimum payment limit.

Full compliance with GDPR, anonymous instant payments, and the possibility for customers to remain completely unknown by cashback platforms is a new standard in the affiliate industry

Affiliate shopping networks have become quite a long time, but traditional payment methods used to pay members are expensive in cost and require a lot of personal, time, and bureaucratic details.

Consumer research report by RetailMeNot2 Inc. summarizes cashback’s main customer preferences:

  • 96% chose not to use the mail-in rebate
  • 70% prefer payment in forms other than checks
  • More than 55% prefer to exchange cashback offers online
  • Nearly 50% find cashback offering a challenge to be exchanged

This result shows, again, that consumers want faster payments, more convenient cashback platforms, and modern payment methods.

Our revolutionary solution to this problem is the Dealjoy platform, which pays cashback commissions in our Ethereum compatible DEAL tokens.

This allows us to concentrate on finding the best offers and bonuses for our members rather than dealing with international wire transfers, thus requiring a minimum payment limit and cutting the percentage of cashback due to high payment processing fees.


  • When DEAL JOY is compared to other money back industries, DEAL JOY has many advantages over the existing ones. As:
  • Minimum payment time: with the DEALJOY platform there is no minimum number of customers can be paid as low as $ 0.1 if that is what he deserves.
  • Collection and storage of personal information: DEALJOY operates on the Decentralization platform so there is absolutely no need for customer data to be stored, the system does not have business with customer data.
  • Global recognition: unlike other refund systems, DEALJOY’s integration into the blockchain will give anyone in any part of the world to access the platform, shop, and get money back.
  • Make payments in krishfallocurrency currency from fiat currency. With the DEALJOY platform, cash customers are well paid in cryptocurrency.
  • Other rewards paid on the platform: this prize includes a prize for being a DEALJOY platform user.
  • The industry values ​​platform growth: DEA JOY will expand its business even more
  • Integrating different stores: with different DEALJOY stores integrated together using blockchain technology.
  • Organizing projects to bring the community together: ON DEALJOY platform, there will be community-based projects that will allow community users / members to benefit from the benefits on the platform. This does not apply to other cash back industries.

All cashback prizes will be paid to customers in DEAL tokens to create a simple and attractive way to reward our members for using the platform.
Token DEAL is an ERC20 standard token that is applied to Ethereum networks. This platform was chosen because of its wide adoption, fast transfers, and low transaction fees. Using the ERC20 standard helps DEAL tokens to achieve high adoption between external exchanges and society

Token Sales
Token symbol: DEAL
Total inventory: 1,400,000,000 standard Token DEAL: ERC20 Initial tariff: 1 ETH = 40,000 DEAL Tokens for sale: 980,000,000 DEAL (70%) Soft Cap: US $ 1,700,000.00 Hard Cap: US $ 8,400,000 .00






Technical document:


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Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9



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