
What is CryptoSouk?
Exchange of next-generation digital assets for traders of every skill level, making digital currency trading accessible to everyone. We are dedicated to improving our customers’ trading experience with fast trading execution, fair pricing, world class customer service, endless improvement, and unlimited creativity. Enjoy the best digital asset exchange that focuses on the needs of beginner traders, professional traders and digital currency experts. We are dedicated to making digital currency trading accessible, fast and completely safe.

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It is difficult to buy, sell, hold and trade cryptocurrency. We are pleased with the fact that various distributed exchange ideas are being developed, but they often have serious liquidity and marketing deficiencies. But in the Middle East, traders and investors are more aggressive looking for better contacts and trading partners that are easier to use that are more in line with existing financial market expectations. Our clients also want to know that people in their area can reach people who speak their language and understand their habits.
Encrypt passwords for encryption. One of us precisely exchanged, Binance, where 250,000 people lived.
Exchange your token on Saturday, May 20 2018, and Saturday, May 20, 2020.
October 2011 Terror Bloomberg runs from January 1 to December 1 in Australian dollars from January 1 to January 1, starting January 1, 2011.
Simply put, the size of the cryptocurrency grows exponentially strong signs of sheep underlying the ratio of expected native sheep.
Mr. Pepper, Mr. Pepper and Mr. Pepper, meet Mr. Pepper and Mr. Pepper.Solution
CryptoSouk has released the cryptocurrency trading platform from ST Vincent & Grenadines and Kuwait. The transaction will begin in the second quarter of 2018 with trading pairs supporting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash and Monero. The company plans to continue to add transaction support for additional password assets that the company believes exceed certain advantages. Our exchanges also allow cryptocurrency to load accounts or settle payments. Based on the expertise of our founding team, we have chosen partners who can offer the option of platform exchange, liquidity and exchange.
different opinions trading
Price charts, depth charts, orders, quotes and the latest transactions show several views, such as
many indicators
linear regression, moving average and 58 available indicators, including oscillators.
Customized Trend Path
The ability to draw a special schedule, harrow, etc., to scale and move to the chart. The ability to adjust the color and style of the blade
Interactive UI
, boundary, axis, price line, background, and grid.
We believe we can continue to grow in this area based on the following competition factors. First, we think that we should be able to send and receive invoices as cheaply and as monetaryly as possible from Dinars, Dirhams, Riyals and Dollars. For this reason, we plan to invest in tools and partners that can reduce costs, raise funds, or easily be available at lower costs. Second, we believe it is very valuable to be listed on every exchange password asset, we will not have various trading assets and password pairs will be an important factor to consider when choosing a replacement for customer preferences.
Third, we believe that higher contact customer service is important in this region, so we plan to invest in customer service to provide more human contact in an efficient and profitable manner. Finally, the localized team of documents related to KYC / AML will play an important role in providing a unique and frictionless user experience.
Our marketing plan is to guide unique local digital marketing content through the most optimal channels and utilize your local experience while focusing on Arabic education. Simple, but effective, sending content is not much to this day. Our perception of the Arab context community will greatly contribute to our mission to create important participatory communities that form the backbone of cryptographic products, projects or businesses.
Along with digital marketing best practices throughout the industry, marketing spending is distributed in two separate media.

Token Details:
SOUK tokens are utility tokens. This is available to people in most countries. Residents from the following countries are not permitted to participate in the sale of SOUK tokens: the People’s Republic of China, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the United States, or residents of a country where American embargoes and sanctions are imposed, namely Iran, North Korea, Syria, Sudan and Cuba .

SOUK Token
PreICO Price of 1 SOUK = 0.37 USD
Price of 1 SOUK = 0.5 USD
Ethereum platform
Hard stamp 11,000,000 USD
Country of Vincent and the Grenadines
KYC Whitelist / KYC
Forbidden areas US, China, Iran, Yemen, Syria

The setting environment for ICO utility tokens and cryptocurrency exchanges is rather erratic throughout the world. Changes in the regulatory environment in the Middle East can have a negative effect on the company’s ability to successfully increase the exchange of CryptoSouk and can limit or prohibit us from doing business in certain countries. The company intends to use the company’s equity issuance in the future for this purpose but there is no guarantee that we will be able to raise money in the future or that they will be sufficient to finance our ongoing operations.












Author: carens
Eth: 0x9e5C152D04eF2649de36146aFc97919be8C2E3D9

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